Company information
Company information

Business areas

Jiangsu Lucky Motors company has a history of more than 20 years for professional design and development. We are striving to be excellent in a wide range of applications. We make continuous progress, to produce high quality and make convenience for our customers. Lucky Motors continues to create value for customers.   Application area of products:

1. Household refrigerator, freezer, water dispenser, pickle machine.

2. Household hanging air-conditioning, cabinet type, central air-conditioning, dehumidifier and clothes dryer compressor.

Commercial use refrigerator, drying plant, large-scale refrigeration house scroll compressor.

Large-scale ice machine, ice cream machine piston compressor, special purpose air conditioning of refrigeration house.

3. New energy (lithium battery, hydrogen energy source etc.) vehicle refrigeration compressor.

4. Dynamic drive including all kinds of low speed electric scooter and function vehicle: golf maintenance cart, cruiser, tour bus, sanitizer, garbage clearance etc.

Engineering life etc.

Shared electro bike.

5. Commercial residential elevator tractor motor.

6. Involved in large-scale farm-oriented irrigation motor.

Advantages of our products: energy-efficient, small in size and light-weight, strong assemble universality, stabilization and mute, high precision and long life to use.